Anne Jones and Daphne Lander are both in their mid-70s, but that didn’t stop them following their dream to turn a 100 year old book into a rock musical for the West End stage.  Here Anne tells the story of how Artaban The Musical opened up a whole new area of life experience and joy…

Over ten years ago Daphne, my friend since we were eleven, handed me a little red book, “Have a read of this, I think you will enjoy it,” she said. An elderly man at her Church had passed it to her and suggested “You will know what to do with this.”

The book, The Other Wise Man, was written by Henry van Dyke, an American writer and poet from the twentieth century.  It’s the story of a fourth wise man, a Persian Zoroastrian who worshipped  Mazda the Lord of Light. He, like the other three wise men, set out to see Jesus at his birth with his gift of three gemstones;  a ruby, a pearl and a sapphire. However, Artaban, this fourth magi, missed his planned rendezvous with the other Magi because he stopped to help an old man calling for assistance from the side of the road.

He then had to travel alone and purchase his own caravan. However, when he arrived at Bethlehem he realised he had missed his opportunity of seeing Jesus and his family as they had already left for Egypt. The book follows Artaban’s journey for many years as he continues his quest to meet the new king, prophesied to save the world from corruption and greed. But he is continually drawn from his quest by his compassion to help anyone in need he meets along the way.

He faces the dilemma of following his desire to meet Jesus or helping those in need. He has a kind and generous heart, but constantly feels he has failed and let down Jesus by not reaching him; his is a tale of sacrifice and love.

The story resonated with me for, as a spiritual healer, I have many clients who struggle to fulfil their own personal goals – often they are faced with decisions to either follow what their heart calls them to do or to put aside their own desires for the sake of their families.

As I read the book, I became entranced with my own vision – seeing the story on the stage as a musical! I asked Daphne if she would write a script if I wrote the songs and she immediately agreed. Our own journey then started and like Artaban’s, it has been tortuous with dead ends and setbacks. But it has also been incredibly joyful and a lot of fun!

Daphne has excelled in amateur dramatics since she was twenty as actor, singer and director but she had never written a script (known as the book in theatre speak). I was in the computer industry for many years until I had an amazing spiritual experience and started healing at the age of fifty. I then travelled the world teaching and healing. I have written and had published ten books but I can’t sing a note in tune and I have never written a song. So, to say we both had steep learning curves would be an underestimation of the challenge we took on.  The first hurdle we faced was finding a musician who could feel the soul of Henry’s story and could write uplifting and exhilarating music. We spent five years looking!

I have a sense that Henry eventually decided to get involved! In January six years ago I was introduced by my old friend Sashi to her new husband Rick Radley. And, yes, you’ve guessed, he is a rock musician and song writer. His first reaction when I approached him was “I’m a rock guitarist – this is out of my genre.”

But when he read the story, he too became enthralled and took my first song home to see what he could do. The next morning, I had a phone call, “come over and see what you think.”  He had gone to bed with the words whirling in his head and woken up with a melody and ideas; still in his pyjamas, he went out to his garage where he kept his recording equipment. Within hours he had he first draft of Mazda the opening song.

As my husband and I listened to the haunting melody my heart stood still.  It was fabulous. There followed six weeks of me writing songs and sending them over to Rick; who rose in the small hours with his head full of the music to match my words.  It was a magical time. I don’t know when I was so immersed and inspired.

We wrote love songs, rock numbers and ballads – all produced with Rick sitting on a radiator in his garage to keep warm. While we were writing the songs Daphne wrote the book and developed the characters – and added a few extra twists and turns to make the story come to life for the stage.

We have now had all the music mastered by Kipper Eldridge, the musical producer for many of Sting’s tracks and we have created a website and added the songs. We have put on a workshop in London with West End performers and a live band to sample the show to friends and family. With the help of Ron Aldridge, a professional director and accomplished playwright with West End experience, we are now getting ready for our full showcase which will be held in Covent Garden in November.

We have a cast of West End performers, and we are excited – and nervous – beyond measure!

We have all been tested and stretched and are enthralled with the journey we have taken. Thanks to Henry we have been encouraged to step through our fear of the unknown. We have been given a new zest for life, a chance to discover the world of musical theatre and to meet people far out of our normal life experience.

We have learnt so much since we met Artaban, and our lives have been seriously uplifted and enriched. Writing a musical may not be your chosen path but from my experience I would recommend you find a new challenge that:

jolts you out of your rut
stretches your mind and talents
gives you a new enthusiasm for life
encourages you to step through the limitations of fear
offers a powerful motivation for getting up each day
exhilarates you and offers a chance of fun and adventure


I sometimes feel we are following in Artaban’s footsteps. I won’t spoil the show for you and tell you the ending of his journey, but it’s a good one! Hopefully, you can join us and see for yourself.


‘Artaban’ is a new rock musical, based on the book “The Other Wise Man” by Henry van Dyke.  It’s a story, full of heart and soul, that is set over 2000 years ago, and yet is still relevant today.  This is not the Jesus story, rather it is the tale of an unsung hero who sacrifices his dreams to help others, set against the backdrop of the birth of Christ.

The showcase of ‘Artaban The Musical’, debuts this November in Covent Garden.

Where: The Actors Church, St Paul’s, Covent Garden, London, WC2E 9ED

When: 23 Nov 2021, 19.30 and 24 Nov 15.30 & 19.30

Tickets: £20.00

Available from:

Production by: Gemstone Productions Ltd
