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Love music? Tired of hearing the same old stuff? Then try PASSION for the PLANET. Our music mix is truly unique – we call it WORLD ADULT CONTEMPORARY. That’s pop music for grown-ups.

If you like the first couple of tracks you hear then you’ll almost certainly like every other track we play! Each track is carefully chosen. Our criterion? It’s got to be a great tune appealing to a grown-up audience. We ensure the music has a consistent feel so you get introduced to new artists, styles and genres from around the globe – without the jarring kick of something that just doesn’t fit!


We focus on health and the environment. There’s not a lot in the world that doesn’t boil down to health or environment, so you’ll hear all kinds of things – from the scientific to the esoteric, from top tips to new ways of thinking, with a sprinkling of the bizarre thrown in.

Regular guests include Dr Rajendra Sharma [health], Professor Sir David King [environment], Doreen Virtue [spirituality], Topher Morrison [personal growth], Dan Smith [world affairs], and Penny Power [business].

Our aim is inpire, intrigue and entertain you; opening the door to fresh ideas.

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