Recent huge leaps in space technology and subsequent planetary discoveries have given astrologers quite a challenge. Since the known planets in the solar system have been synchronous with meaning for thousands of years, the newly discovered planets will have meaning also, but just what do these new planets represent in terms of human experience?

One of the new planets has been named after an old god of Easter Island. It is a tiny planet 2,000 miles from anywhere in the southern Pacific Ocean and it is difficult to see what meaning this could have for the human race in the 21st century.

But start to read a little more about the myth surrounding this island and it becomes chillingly obvious. For Easter Island has long been held up as an example of a race that self-destroyed after over-exploiting their island and chopping down the last tree in mindless ecocide.

Although recent scientific evidence has vindicated this fascinating race and it now appears that introduced European diseases were responsible for the population loss, in astrology the planet named after their god, Makemake, still represents population controls or depletion. This indicates that these issues will be a challenge for the human race in the 21st century.

This was reinforced when David Attenborough became the patron of the Optimum Population Trust declaring that over-population was our biggest threat for the future.

This is a very delicate and politically sensitive subject since the Catholic Church prohibits birth control and many charities are committed to saving every human life born in 3rd world countries. However, the planet does not have enough farm land to feed all of its people now, let alone the expected nine billion in 2040.

For thousands of years the world’s population remained fairly constant with just millions up until the 19th century. Then it went from 3billion in 1960 to roughly 7billion in the 50 years up to 2010.

Latest statistics say that we will have to grow as much food in the next 50 years as we grew in the last 10,000 years. Some task!

We should also consider that the world’s natural reserves of mined commodities are also running out, with dire predictions for the availability of copper for instance. Rapid industrial growth has led to rapid over-consumerism and can only lead to depletion.

So what of the future for our planet?

Well the planet will probably be fine, it’s the human race that needs to assess where it is going with this. Should birth control be foisted upon the population in an effort to protect the future of those already born? Or is there a natural feedback loop in the human population as there has appeared to be in many other species, so that when peak capacity is reached, a natural de-population occurs?

It is curious that all world mythology has a great flood myth, despite assumed lack of connectedness in past millennia. Does global warming affect population numbers in time?

In Greek myth we are told that when the god Asclepious began to save too many people from dying it was recognised by the rest of the Greek pantheon that this was an un-natural state of affairs. For like the goddess in the film Avatar, the ancient Greek gods understood that a balance must be maintained between the souls alive today and health and welfare of the planet’s atmosphere and the other animals, birds and insects that live on it. Asclepious was duly stopped and punished by Zeus for daring to interfere.

As in the past, the discovery of new planets and the mythological names given to them tells us a lot about the issues for the human race in the coming decades. There are many reasons to be extremely hopeful for our future as a spiritual renaissance and technological revolution will prove, but we also have to face some difficult choices. Let’s do this before it gets too late.

About the Author Alison Chester is author of “The Future in the Stars”. Alison studied astrology at the CPA, Regents College, London and is currently taking a Masters in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at Lampeter University, Wales. She is the founder of the Midlands School of Astrology, author and webmaster.

To read more about the potentials and challenges described by recent astrological research into the 21st century read “The Future in the Stars` – the astrological message for 2012 and beyond” by Alison Chester-Lambert, Findhorn Press.