By Gaile Walker   


I remember incarnating with a thought, a part of which was that within this lifetime I would express what I knew. It was the same thought that instigated my first incarnation. I am here now, doing this, suggesting that those who make up the New-Age movement look again at their practices with a view to incorporating within them the pure, unadulterated light of Transcendence, thus creating ‘consciousness-first’ practices.

We have seen the New-Age investigate its past lives and traumas and we have heard about the endless lessons we are here to learn. So dominant and so much a part of the language is this now that even those in the public eye, in accountable positions, consider the promise of ‘learning lessons’ to be an acceptable response to any lack of skill or responsibility.

There is, however, only one lesson for everyone to learn: Self realization.


Modern Angel
Beautiful Angel


I had not understood how difficult it was for baby birds to learn to fly until, over the space of a few days, I watched a young pigeon take its first tentative flights. It did not come easily. At first the small bird refused to try despite the presence of what seemed to be encouraging and despairing parents. After a few days of flight practice it still struggled to retain its balance, landing on a branch but then swinging backwards and forwards in seesaw motion, in a way which made me hold my breath and will it to achieve stability.


To me the recent upsurge in New-Age thinking could be likened to the youthful pigeon’s fledgling flight. The current teaching of the New-Age movement is a reflection of the spiritual consciousness of the age. It has reached an understanding that there is something over and above what is taken for granted in the minutiae of everyday life. It expresses a greater awareness of energy and its effects, how humanity has the ability to manipulate change, even if temporarily, by altering the patterns of its thoughts.


But in its frantic reaching for to the branches of the tree of truth, this fledgling flight of the New-Age movement is fraught with as many obstacles as the baby pigeon’s was. It is precariously perched, unsteady, without the discrimination that comes from experience, and is therefore extremely vulnerable.


The New-Age movement’s often-used refrain – that individual incorporation of the infinite is achievable, coupled with its lack of knowledge and drive related to reaching this awareness – has ensured this refrain has become its misleading mantra.


About the Author

Beyond Angels book cover
Gaile Walker – Beyond Angels








This is an extract from ‘Beyond Angels’ by Gaile Walker, ISBN: 978-1-84694-839-8, $22.95 / £12.99, paperback, 219pp, published by O Books an imprint of John Hunt Publishing.