‘If only they could talk’ or ‘if only they could tell us what is wrong’ are statements that I hear regularly during the course of my work as an animal healer and communicator. On these occasions, the animals present may proffer a yawn or give me a knowing look, whereas some are so bored by this misconception that they simply walk away.

OK, animals do not open their mouths and give speeches, but they possess extraordinary telepathic communication abilities. These also lie within humans, but we have forgotten about or neglected them into disuse. Communicating with animals is not just feasible but a reality and, once we recognised this and awaken our dormant telepathic abilities, animals have fascinating stories to tell.

We humans can speak at will in order to convey our needs, wants, aims and desires, which can be understood by anyone who speaks our particular form of verbal language.

When using verbal language, we can edit the information we present to the world at large, removing things here and there that we do not like or do not wish others to know. Sometimes we may even add bits to enhance our status or manipulate a reaction. Not only do we often contradict each other, we contradict ourselves as well in our attempts to master this sort of facade. Or we may say things which our actions belie.

Whilst animals can make some allowances for our idiosyncrasies, because they are able to read our energy, in these situations they can become very uncertain about what the truth of the matter is.

There is often a culture clash between humans and other animals; nevertheless human intuition can come to the rescue as a means to connect with the ‘language of animals’. Actually, the word ‘language’ is probably a misnomer in this instance, because when we use our intuition we are not learning how to speak an actual language as such – we are simply becoming fully aware.

Awareness means being able to cut through confusion to have clear intuitive vision. When we manage to achieve this, we will awaken to animals on a deeper level than hitherto experienced.

Everyone has an intuitive side and some people may naturally tap into this way of being, but for others it can take a bit of effort and practice to build up strength in this area. We develop our intuition through usage, like exercising a muscle.

A good way to begin is by listening to, and acting on, our inner feelings. The more we align ourselves with our intuition, using and trusting it, the more potent our ability to tune into it becomes. It’s important to set aside the ego and have an open mind, as well as to quieten the conscious, chattering mind of our thoughts.

Here’s an exercise to help you get started:

  • Sit comfortably in a tranquil setting and, using your breathing, relax every part of your body.
  • Next, examine your thoughts: is your mind buzzing with ideas or things that need attending to? Are worries clouding your thinking? Ask those thoughts to leave you and set the intention that you want a quiet mind. It is surprising how effective this simple step can be. Playing music especially produced for meditation purposes can help the relaxation process too.
  • Once your mind is clear and you feel grounded, you are ready for the next step. Sit or stand by your animal. Don’t actively think about anything, stay in the zone of the quiet-mind state. Something will pop into your mind about the animal – it may seem brief and meaningless, but no matter for now. The important thing is that you are tuning into the animal using your intuition, which can only operate cleanly through a quiet mind.

You are now taking the first steps to communicating with your animal.

About the Author
Margrit Coates is author of “Communicating with Animals” published by Rider