Stress is not just emotionally draining – it’s physically damaging too.

So if you just treat the emotions and not the physical affects within the body you can actually find you are doing more harm than good. For example, if you reduce the feelings of stress (for example through deep breathing or meditation) but not the body’s reaction to stress, then its easy to kid yourself that you are OK to return to the stressful situation.

In many cases sufferers go back to working too hard, not getting enough sleep or living on caffeine to keep them going. They don’t realise that their physical bodies have felt the effects of that stress and are functioning less efficiently as a result.

When treating stress you need to deal with both the emotional effects AND the physical effects.

However until the physical effects start to manifest it can be very difficult to discover what is going on inside the body. Typical symptoms include tiredness, general fatigue, feelings of not coping and an increase in allergic symptoms.  But it doesn’t stop there; the internal organs are also feeling the effects of the stress affecting the adrenal glands and thyroid. The effects are cumulative so if you’ve been suffering from stress over a long period the body will need support to get “back to normal”.

One way to do this is to use a device called an EAV (Electro-Acupuncture According to Voll).

EAV, which is basically an OHM meter, was developed over 60 years ago by a German physician called Dr. Reinhold Voll. It’s based on the system of acupuncture points similar to those used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Voll invented an electrical device, which was able to measure energy in the acupuncture points. Using that information, he was able to establish the normal range for these energy flows through the body and organs. Because of the closeness to acupuncture, this method of bio-assessment became known as Electro-Acupuncture According to Voll (EAV).

There are now many versions of the machine, developed by manufacturers all over the world, and collectively they are termed EAV machines.

The EAV allows the practitioner to determine which areas of the body might be out of balance energetically. The practitioner can then suggest a course of action to correct this, for example using spagryic and homeopathic tinctures and remedies to detoxify, drain, and support the bio-energy system in the body. This allows the body’s energetic flow to correct itself.

By dealing directly with the physical disturbance caused by stress, long term effects can be reduced and the impact of emotional techniques (like counselling, breath work or meditation) can be greatly improved.

Cherry Smith is a qualified EAV practitioner, a registered member of the Society of Homeopaths and also has an Msc in Applied Biology.
For more information see:

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