Who knew apples were so good for you?! Here are five awesome apple facts:
• Research shows eating four apples a day can cut Cholesterol by a quarter, as apple pectin helps reduce cholesterol levels by lowering insulin secretion
• According to Chinese Medicine: Apples strengthen the heart, quench thirst, lubricate the lungs, decrease mucous and increase body fluids.
• According to a Brazilian study, eating an apple before a meal helped women lose 33% more weight than those who didn’t.
• Apples are packed with vitamins C, A, and flavonoids and with smaller amounts of phosphorus, iron and calcium.
• It’s been scientifically proven that the malic acid in apples can whiten your teeth!
Five tasty ways to get some apple goodness:
- Start the day with these delicious Apple and Cinnamon Pancakes
- Apples contain only 50-80 calories, no fat, sodium or cholesterol and are a good source of fibre, meaning they make the perfect snack or lunch box addition. Try dipping apple slices into peanut or almond butter for an additional protein hit
- Boost your breakfast smoothie by adding an apple to help your reach your 5 a day
- Now the cold weather is settling in this Spiced Apples and Squash soup will keep you warm and is a great meal for both lunch and dinner.
- Backed Apples with sticky raisins makes a delicious dessert packed full of flavour without the high fat content.