‘Only genius hears the future calling…’
The world is now aware of a fundamental change in the affairs of mankind: symptoms erupt daily. Half anticipates Armageddon, the other half prays for Epiphany. Unlike the many doom laden books offering ‘brace’ or ‘repent’, Involution retakes the journey that has delivered an apparently barren landscape of destruction to discover how it happened and what might have been missed. It finds a rational reason for hope, if not optimism. From a swift (and light hearted) history of scientific ideas it constructs a scaffolding from which to view another structure altogether, the cathedral of consciousness.
That is this poetic work’s intention, not to offer another theory but to afford the vision of a deeper science; the Odyssey of Mankind whose visionaries are neglected by the scientific mythology.
Beethoven, Einstein, Faraday, Gauss…Who found colours in music, numbers in space…
What the mystics have perennially known, science has now re-approached, but inspiration has been science’s quiet companion all along. This continuous artesian stream is what this work identifies and traces.
It boldly suggests that the history of science has been the incremental recovery of memory. The past is thereby also the future; the neglected reins of purpose returning Man from exile to an Eden yet awaiting dawn.

The book’s central idea is simple: Instead of brain ‘emitting’ consciousness as the final crowning glory, it suggests the ‘in-forming’ of matter by consciousness throughout; this encoded information in cellular DNA responsible for accelerated complexity and convergence; from molecules through cells and into organisms. Finally, Man stands erect, the single species with a memory shared with all; the cellular experience of evolution. His hands and brain will now explore what his cells already know.
The inspired scientific genius recovers this memory in fragments connecting wider and wider fields: he offers the ‘eureka’ moments of recovered memory to the collective intellect, which formulates that inspiration as theory. Through this modelling, intellect perceives (falsely) that the material world is ‘outside’. What is discovered inwardly is transposed outwardly. Mind is severed from matter, science from spirituality. Thus the inspired right-brained geniuses that led the journey were usurped by the collective left brain of acceptable science. The transfer of memory (consciousness) to intellect builds a consensual hard reality but increasingly exiles Man from his deeper self and the rest of creation. Perception and manipulation is of the ‘external’ and hence the selfish disregard.
The idea may be simple but the evidence traverses all epochs and all disciplines, which explains an epic poem, a DNA rosary, telling the beads of inspired thought. In nine Cantos, two companions, Reason (spiralling science) and Soul (speaking art), travel through the interior landscape of thought, from pre-human existence and early man’s emergence on the Serengeti, to the recorded civilisations of Greece and Rome, the Dark Ages, through the Renaissance and Enlightenment arriving finally at modern science. The vision is poetically offered for the right brain, the supporting science in footnotes for the left. Both are complementary; one to intuit, the other to anchor

The Odyssey of Involution has returned Man to the origins of the universe, united the fields of energy he now comprehends intellectually, but cannot experience, except individually. Mystics through all ages have described the experience of undifferentiated light. What Involution suggests is that collectively, through smaller inspirations, mankind has come full circle, re-approached the Perennial Philosophy, and stands on the brink of a new science. Only the individual can experience what neither tools nor intellect can comprehend or express.
Armageddon or Epiphany is perhaps a matter of new lenses for the scientific mythology; saints and scientists break the same bread.
‘Old soldier with his bandaged eyes
Returns limping to what he once called home
But does not recognize’.
Fact Box:
Involution-An Odyssey Reconciling Science to God (ISBN 978-0-9575002-0-4) is available in print at Amazon or in EBook for Kindle or all epub format readers.
Philippa Rees is the author of Involution: Reconciling Science to God available on Amazon