I really didn’t mean to concuss the pigeon, but just like Marcus in ‘About a Boy’ my generously thrown food offering did more harm than good.

The good news is that, unlike Marcus’s unlucky duck – my pigeon did get up again and managed to eat the offending item.

Personally I blame Centimeter II.  A large restaurant-cum-bar in Vienna’s Spittelberg  area, it’s a great place to sit on a hot afternoon. Their outside tables and chairs are gathered below large leafed maples allowing you to relax in peace just a few minutes walk from the bustling Museum Quarter and the city’s biggest shopping street – the Mariahilfer Strasse.

But that’s not why I blame them. I blame them because their food portions are huge (and, by the way, very reasonably priced). If I hadn’t been given such a big plate full of fried vegetables then I wouldn’t have had any to spare for the pigeon – and then the large junk of breaded cauliflower would not have ended up hitting the pigeon square on its tiny head (quite an achievement if I’d meant to do it – their heads are very small…)

So I blame Centimeter II. Next time I am there I may order the pancakes instead – they are softer and less likely to do any damage (and they are very good).


A city pigeons strives to find it's lunch
A city pigeons strives to find it’s lunch


If your aim is better than mine or your appetite bigger than mine, then Centimeter II is a great place to hang out for a while.  They offer a range of fresh cooked food, including an intriguing soup that’s served in a hollowed out loaf of bread! You can order many of their dishes by the centimetre – hence the name, and they cater for vegetarians.  And because it’s Vienna expect some excellent beer to wash it all down.

See:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Centimeter-II-am-Spittelberg-Stiftgasse-4-Wien-Austria/386645968046647