What is Salt?

Salt (as a chemical definition) is great for our body; it is used to uptake certain nutrients from our small intestines, the sodium is used to transmit signals in our neurons, and no less importantly, is used to help maintain the fluid in our cells via osmosis. Too much salt upsets this equilibrium of water and salt in our cells, which can damage and will eventually kill the cells.


So as you can see, salt has gotten a very bad reputation although it is vital for important for metabolic functions in the body.


Salt should be unrefined
Salt should be unrefined


What is Unrefined Salt?  Good.

Unrefined Salt e.g. Sea salt, Himalayan Salt are good as it has a high mineral content.  But when shopping always check the origin of the salt.


Atlantic sea salt is naturally rich minerals in iodine and magnesium. Himalayan Pink Salt is known as “white gold” containing all of the 84 elements found in the body promoting a healthy PH in the cells of the body particularly the brain cells.


Refined salt - AVOID
Refined salt – AVOID



What is Refined Salt?  Bad.

Refined salt does not dissolve and combine with the water and fluids in our system (because our bodies don’t recognize it).


Instead, it builds up in the body, and leaves deposits in our organs and tissues which cause severe health problems.


Your table salt is actually 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents, and iodine. Dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, the excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt.


Let’s do a quick recap. Refined salt…
• is stripped of trace minerals
• is stripped of macro-nutrients
• is bleached
• is chemically cleaned
• is heated at high temperatures, changing the molecular structure
• is treated with 2% anti-caking agents and toxic chemicals
• causes dehydration
• upsets your body’s fluid balance


Avoid, avoid, avoid.


For more information: Nosh Detox